Tuesday, September 15, 2009

When is the Best Time to Start to Study for the MCAT

When it the best time to start studying for the MCAT?

If you have taken any premed requirements whatsoever then you have already started your MCAT preparations. The smart student takes it from there and never stops. It is easier to review than to hit the books again two years later.

A simple suggestion that has worked well for many that have that acceptance letter. Tutoring. At many universities a student can get paid by the school to tutor almost any subject. Moreover, the entry level and basic classes need the most help, and therefore tutors, because there are more students taking these classes.

If you can teach it, you know it. It is nothing more than a constant review. Review. Review. Review.
It is all about the basics. If you know that then you know the material for the MCAT.

Do you think a senior chemistry major will score higher on the chemistry portion of the MCAT or the senior music major that decided late in her academic career to go premed and has just taken basic chemistry?

The senior chemistry major has a head full of quantum analytics and all things level 400 chem. But, the musician has a head full of basic chemistry—what the MCAT test is actually about.

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