Wednesday, September 2, 2009

An "A" is an "A" no matter where you get it.

Something you need to be wary of when you are at your university. Sometimes the simple prerequisites are the wash out class for a more "in demand" major. Let's just suppose that the biology majors and PhDs mentioned in the article only get into that program if they do really well in basic biology. It can be a very competitive and demanding "basic" course. This can happen to some degree for any major or program.
Art imitates life in the first season and first episode of Greek. There are too many people in the gateway class that Rusty and Dale need for their major. The prof hands out a test and tells everyone that only the top scores will be able to stay.
Is this how you want your grade to be determined? How can you tell the admission committee that the C you got was really an A+ at other institutions?
It is sometimes easier to take a class in the summer or at a local university or that has a less demanding post-graduate program.
Consider that an "A" is an "A" and a "C" is a "C."

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